
In digital transformation, automation revolutionises how businesses operate, promising unprecedented efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. However, the success of these systems hinges on the quality of the data that powers them. Forbes reveals that only 3% of companies’ data meets basic quality standards, posing a substantial threat to automation initiatives. Poor data quality in automation leads to errors, inefficiencies, and a loss of trust among stakeholders. Ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and reliability is crucial for realising automation’s full benefits. Implementing robust data governance, investing in data validation tools, and fostering a data-driven culture are essential steps for organisations to maintain efficiency and stakeholder confidence.


What’s The Current State of Data Quality in Business? 

Recent studies highlight a concerning trend: on average, 47% of newly-created data records contain at least one critical error. These errors can significantly impact work processes due to inaccuracies, incompleteness, or inconsistencies. In a sample analysis, a full quarter of the scores were below 30%, and half were below 57%. This indicates that a significant portion of business data fails to meet the necessary quality standards for effective automation. 


The Inextricable Link Between Work and Data

If you are in business, you know that work and data are inextricably linked. Data accuracy, completeness, and reliability directly influence decision-making processes, operational efficiency, and strategic planning. Poor-quality data can lead to flawed insights, misguided strategies, and inefficient operations, ultimately undermining the benefits of automation. Ensuring high data quality supports seamless automation, builds stakeholders’ trust, and drives sustainable business growth. High-quality data also enhances customer satisfaction by enabling personalised experiences and timely responses. Additionally, it ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of legal penalties and reputational damage. By prioritising data governance and continuous improvement, organisations can fully harness the power of automation, gain a competitive edge, and position themselves as industry leaders in innovation and efficiency.


The Impact of Poor Data Quality on Automation 

The challenges of poor data quality in automation are significant. Automation relies on accurate and reliable data to function effectively. When data quality is compromised, several issues can arise: 

  1. Errors and Malfunctions: Automated systems depend on precise data to perform tasks. Poor-quality data can lead to errors and malfunctions, disrupting automated processes and reducing overall efficiency.
  2. Inefficiencies: Inaccurate data can lead to inefficient operations, as automated systems may perform redundant or unnecessary tasks based on incorrect information. This can increase operational costs and reduce productivity.
  3. Eroded Trust: If unreliable data drives automation technologies, stakeholders’ trust in them can be eroded. Scepticism about the accuracy and effectiveness of automated processes can hinder their adoption and implementation.
  4. Flawed Decision-Making: Automation often supports decision-making processes by providing timely and accurate insights. Poor-quality data can lead to flawed decisions, negatively impacting production planning, resource allocation, and overall business strategy.


Strategies for Improving Data Quality 

 Organisations must prioritise data quality management to ensure that automation initiatives are successful. Here are some strategies to consider: 

  1. Implement Data Governance Frameworks: Establishing a robust data governance framework is essential for maintaining high data quality. This framework should define data ownership, establish data quality standards, and outline data management and oversight processes.
  2. Regular Data Audits: Conducting regular data audits can help identify and rectify data quality issues. These audits should focus on detecting inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and incompleteness in data records.
  3. Invest in Data Cleansing Tools: Leveraging advanced data cleansing tools can help maintain high data quality. These tools can automate detecting and correcting data anomalies, ensuring that the data used in automated processes is accurate and reliable.
  4. Foster a Data-Driven Culture: Cultivating a data-driven culture within the organisation is crucial for sustaining high data quality. This involves training employees on the importance of data quality, encouraging data literacy, and promoting continuous improvement in data management practices.


Benefits of High Data Quality

High data quality in automation can lead to numerous benefits. Automated systems can function more efficiently and effectively when data is accurate and reliable. This can result in better decision-making, increased productivity, and higher profitability. Moreover, high data quality can enhance the trust of stakeholders, making them more likely to support automation initiatives. By focusing on data quality, businesses can unlock the full potential of their automation systems. Enhanced data quality ensures compliance with industry regulations and standards, reducing the risk of costly fines and legal issues. Additionally, high-quality data enables more precise predictive analytics, allowing businesses to more accurately anticipate market trends and customer needs. This foresight can lead to innovative product development and more effective marketing strategies, further driving competitive advantage. Ultimately, prioritising data quality fosters a culture of continuous improvement and data-driven excellence, positioning companies as leaders in their respective industries.


Inextricable Group’s Commitment to Data Quality 

At Inextricable Group, we recognise the critical importance of high-quality data in driving successful automation initiatives. Our world-class framework for data governance is designed to uplift your data quality, ensuring that your automation processes are driven by accurate, reliable, and actionable data. By partnering with us, organisations can enhance their data management practices, mitigate the risks associated with poor data quality, and achieve superior operational performance. 

We invite organisations to contact us for a free assessment of their data quality practices. This initial step is crucial in transforming their data into a valuable asset that drives their automation initiatives. 



The importance of data quality in automation cannot be overstated. The quality of your data is a fundamental determinant of the success of your automation efforts. Poor-quality data can derail automation by causing errors, inefficiencies, and flawed decision-making processes. By implementing robust data quality management practices, organisations can ensure that their automation initiatives deliver the expected ROI, driving innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. 

Let Inextricable Group guide you in achieving data excellence, ensuring that your business keeps pace with technological advancements and leads the way in the era of automation. Get in touch at info@inextricablegroup.com