
SAP Master Data Governance (MDG) is a premier master data management solution. It’s an essential tool for any organisation looking to establish a single, trusted view of their data across the enterprise. It empowers businesses to define, enforce, monitor, and improve data quality and access, ensuring they leverage their data to its full potential. However, effective SAP MDG implementation requires a knowledgeable and experienced partner. Herein, we delve into the key factors you should consider when choosing an SAP MDG vendor or implementation specialist.


1. Experience and Expertise needed for SAP MDG Implementation

The vendor’s experience and expertise in implementing SAP MDG solutions is the most crucial factor. Think of it as choosing a heart surgeon. You wouldn’t trust a novice to operate; you want someone who has performed numerous successful surgeries and understands the nuances of the procedure.

Similarly, look for vendors who have substantial experience implementing SAP MDG. A proven track record in your specific industry is a plus, as it shows they understand your field’s unique challenges and requirements. Ask potential vendors about their previous projects, the challenges they encountered, and how they overcame them. Their answers will provide insight into their problem-solving abilities.


2. Certifications

Certifications from SAP are a testament to the vendor’s proficiency in specific areas of the SAP suite. These certifications act as a ‘seal of approval’, ensuring the vendor has met stringent quality standards set by SAP.

While these certifications are not the be-all and end-all, they provide a degree of assurance about the vendor’s knowledge and ability to deliver. It’s akin to buying electronics with a safety certification – you can trust that it meets certain safety and performance standards.


3. Previous Client Feedback and References

Online reviews and ratings are incredibly influential when purchasing products or services. In the same vein, feedback from previous clients can offer a wealth of information about potential SAP MDG vendors.

Request for references and reach out to these past clients. Ask about their experiences working with the vendor, the challenges they faced, and how the vendor managed those situations. This information will provide you with a complete picture of the vendor’s reliability, quality of work, and responsiveness to problems.


4. Scalability

Scalability is a critical consideration in the rapidly evolving world of business. Your SAP MDG solution should meet your current needs and accommodate future growth and changes.

Think of it like a growing plant. Initially, a small pot may suffice, but it will need a larger pot as the plant grows. Similarly, your chosen SAP MDG vendor should provide a solution that can expand with your business, capable of incorporating new data sources, accommodating increased data volume, and adapting to changing business requirements.


5. Customisation Abilities

Each organisation has unique needs and challenges. Consequently, a one-size-fits-all approach to SAP MDG implementation is unlikely to yield optimal results.

Just like a tailor-made suit fits better than a standard off-the-rack one, your vendor should be able to customise their solution to suit your specific business requirements. They should be able to adjust workflows, define custom data models, and create specific rules and validations. This ensures that your solution aligns with your business processes and data needs, not the other way around.


6. Training and Support for SAP MDG Implementation

Post-implementation support and training are as vital as the implementation itself. Consider it akin to the after-sales service provided by car manufacturers. You need a warranty and servicing options to keep your car running smoothly.

Similarly, your vendor should provide comprehensive training to your staff, ensuring they can use the system effectively. Additionally, they should offer ongoing support to address any issues or changes in requirements that may arise post-implementation.


7. Cost

While cost should never be the sole determinant in choosing an SAP MDG vendor, it’s a significant consideration. It’s like buying a car; you need to balance quality (the car’s features and reliability) and cost (what you’re willing and able to spend).

Ensure you understand what the quoted price covers. Does it include training, support, and future updates? Don’t just go for the cheapest option; consider the value you’re getting for your money.


8. Fit with Company Culture

The cultural fit between your organisation and the vendor may seem trivial, but it can greatly impact the working relationship. If a vendor’s work style, communication methods, or values don’t align with yours, it can lead to friction and inefficiencies.

Consider it like puzzle pieces; they need to fit together seamlessly to create the desired picture. Similarly, your vendor should complement your work style, understand your organization’s values, and communicate effectively with your team.


9. Solution’s Compatibility with Existing IT Infrastructure

Your existing IT infrastructure is like a complex puzzle, with each system representing a piece of the puzzle. The SAP MDG solution is another piece that needs to fit perfectly into this puzzle without disrupting the existing pieces.

Ensure the proposed solution is compatible with your existing systems and can integrate seamlessly. It should support your data formats and workflows and can interact with other systems as needed. A solution that requires extensive changes to your existing infrastructure can lead to higher costs and longer implementation times.



Selecting the right vendor or implementation specialist for your SAP MDG project is a decision that should not be taken lightly. It’s a critical step that will significantly impact your project’s success and the long-term value you derive from your SAP MDG solution. Use the key points highlighted in this post to evaluate potential partners. Doing so can ensure you find a partner who can effectively implement and help you fully reap the benefits of SAP MDG solution and help you realise its full potential.